- The West side of the park has 12 hardcourt and 12 grass Netball courts as part of the "Western Districts Netball Association". There are sometimes competitions on but these courts are not fenced and publically available for free.
- There is one electric BBQ on near the east playground
- The east playground has a flying fox, enough said
- The house on the north side of Waratah Ave has been removed to extend the park, It's now just grass.
- The furtherest east house on Waratah Ave (on the south side) is some kind of community centre and has some community gardens.
- Lupe the Great Dane can often be found in the dog park in the afternoons. The Dog park is very popular and often has more than 30 dogs visit on any given afternoon.
Size: 11.44 hectares
Suburb: Graceville
Local Government Area: Brisbane, Queensland
Playground (x2)
Dog Park